Session 4 Ethics and Privacy
Today's class is all about Ethics and Privacy and their related policies within the library industry.
The function of codes of ethics can be described as
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Short version:
What are the expectations of each core principle?
Today we’re going to look at Ethics in libraries. We’ll start by reading the IFLA Code of Ethics for Librarians and other Information Workers, which has been adopted by ALIAThe function of codes of ethics can be described as
- encouraging reflection on principles on which librarians and other information workers can form policies and handle dilemmas
- improving professional self-awareness
- providing transparency to users and society in general.
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Class Discussion 1
What are the six core principles of the Code of Ethics?What are the expectations of each core principle?
Important links on Ethics and Policies
Something extra if you are interested:
Privacy - Australian
The Australian Privacy Principles (or APPs) are the cornerstone of the privacy protection framework in the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act). They apply to any organisation or agency the Privacy Act covers.
There are 13 Australian Privacy Principles and they govern standards, rights and obligations around:
- the collection, use and disclosure of personal information
- an organisation or agency’s governance and accountability
- integrity and correction of personal information
- the rights of individuals to access their personal information
Details on the 13 principles can be found here:
Privacy - Victorian
The 10 Information Privacy Principles
Principle 1 – Collection
Principle 2 – Use and Disclosure
Principle 3 – Data Quality
Principle 4 – Data Security
Principle 5 – Openness
Principle 6 – Access and Correction
Principle 7 – Unique Identifiers
Principle 8 – Anonymity
Principle 9 – Transborder Data Flows
Principle 10 – Sensitive Information
Class Discussion 2: PDP Act
What is considered personal information?
Do libraries have to comply with this Act?
What are the exceptions to the Act?
Read the information from ALIA on Libraries and Privacy Guidelines
Class Discussion 2: Ethics and Privacy
What issues do you see regarding the following:
- Self checkout
- Reservations
- Research
What Privacy Issues do you think are important for Public Libraries?
What about ethical behaviour?
What guidelines would you expect to follow if you were working in a public library?
What about school libraries?
Are your answers to the above different for a school library? Why? Why not?
Class Exercise - Research Task
What other Ethical or Privacy related polices can you find for:
University Library
Public Library
Specialist Library
Class Discussion 3: Banned books
Can you think of any books that may have been banned at some time in the past? What were the reasons given for those books to be banned. Are there any books currently banned in Australia?More articles on banned books if you are interested
Live Interview - Audio only
2019 FAIR campaign
Class Discussion 4: FAIR
What was it? Why was it important?
Assessment 2
If you have not already done so, you should now be able to respond to Questions 4 and 10 of this assessment.
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